As I’m walking through aisles with blueberries and peaches and see my beautiful happy daughter – I’m filled with so much joy! It seems like I was just there the other day/year and she was our unimaginable dream and I remember thinking how fun and almost impossible it would be to come back here one day with her… Those thoughts would give me goosebumps! And now there she is – riding in a little wagon, all smiley and blue-eyed with her cute bow. She is our dream we can touch, and we sure can’t kiss and squeeze her enough!
And how handsome is Ivan!? He is such a great Daddy and these two always have so much fun together!
My little helper:)
These two are definitely my favorite people to photograph! Look at that smile!:)
It was so fun watching her touch and feel different textures and look at many colorful fruits and vegetables.
But blueberries were definitely her favorite! She would not stop rolling them around:) Haha! We didn’t mind eating smashed berries, it was too cute!
Thanks so much for visiting my page and I hope these photographs brought you joy!